Henna Art: The art of henna designing (part two)

2:41 PM

Henna art like any other art is known for it diversity, although the henna plant is the same all over the globe, the art of making henna designs differ from people to people and from culture to culture. The art of henna designing also depends majorly on the artist ability, it depends on the artist skills, and it depends on the artist creativity.
Henna designs are created in varieties of shapes, symbols and patterns, The Asian people are known for drawing thin lines for lacy, floral and paisley patterns covering the entire hands, forearms, feet and shins. The African people are known for their large, bold and geometric shaped patterns and there are other varieties of pattern cut across various cultures.

For people born and bred into households where henna art is an inherent culture, the art of henna designing come in handy, for people who love drawing, henna designs can be very simple and easy to do too with just a little practice, but for some other people, they may need to take some henna classes for them to be able to draw their henna patterns.
Henna designing takes a very steady hand to apply the henna designs correctly. In previous years, the henna paste was applied to the skin with a match stick for precision. These days, henna can be purchased in the form of cone (henna cone), tube, jacquard bottles and others, which help to create intricate designs on your skin.
As technology is advancing, the art of henna designing is also making it own advancements. Henna artist have developed various ways of making their henna designs more beautiful and make their work known. Product such as glitter powder, gliding powder, white body paint and many more have been made into paste (different artist with their various techniques) to be applied to your henna  designs. Also, henna artists add various gems and stones to compliment their henna designs.

Another part of henna art is the use of henna and henna related products to decorate things such as wedding candles, frames, gift boxes, phone cases, canvases, gifts, and many more. There are a whole lot of other things henna art is used in, which you can also watch out for.

You should also know that the art of henna designing(henna artistry) is not limited to females alone, it might be surprising to know that males can also be a henna artist, there are a whole lot of talented male henna artist out there, although some religions and cultures frown at the idea of a male doing henna designs.
Or maybe, you don't like drawing henna on people, or your religion or culture do not allow you to, if you are a art lover, you can learn henna art and use your acquired skill in the other aspects of henna designing.
Like every other aspect of life, the art of henna designing will continue to grow.

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